About Me

Laura LaSpalluto

I am a story teller.  I write and teach and preach about what The Story — the Gospel of Jesus Christ — looks like in my story.  How does God’s love and His sacrifice manifest in my day as I cook, drive in traffic, grieve death, celebrate life?  Where is God in the everyday?  From my personal experiences, I challenge my readers and listeners to to think more deeply about how The Story forms their story.  

  • I do this through writing my blog, In Ordinary Time, and by contributing to other Christian outlets, such as Redbud Writers Guild, the Mudroom, and Altarworks.
  • I do this through preaching the Word of God.
  • I do this through teaching and speaking at retreats, Bible Studies and conferences.  

I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line: Laura@inordinarytime.com